:Archive Of April 2004:
Sunday, Apr 11, 2004 - 1:51 AM -
Why suffer from ADD when you can revel in it?
- Sleeping dummies from the Quality Control gallery of Marc Steinmetz.
- What's in a dummy? Just ask the IIHS/HLDI. Then go see what they did to your car. And if you need the big picture...
- iDummy. You knew there had to be one. First Technology Safety Systems.
- Yes, lego. Of course. Thank you Patrick Ian.
- structurae.de, the International Database and Gallery of Structures. Includes google keyword search.
- This, this, and this, is a Land Rover. The distinction needs to be made clear. Lately I've seen one too many pimped-up long-wheelbase models with half a plumbing company of roll bars on it. That is no longer a Land Rover. That's somebody's goddamn poodle.
- Moco Loco. Another modern contemporary design site. Do we need another? Yes please. (But shouldn't that be contemporary modern design?)
- I may yet go to England.
- Oh, yum! guidebook, the Graphical User Interface Gallery.
- Bookmark this. Little domo-kun flash cartoons that rotate daily and are often quite charming. And no, I don't know what's going on either. Yay.
- Serious video resource at 'boards - The Creative Edge In Commercial Production. Animation, commercials, music videos, short films.
- Also an absurdly large collection of game commercials, mostly japanese. Use it carefully.
- Um, Reel Fishing III for Playstation. But look at those screenshots. I'm torn. What next? Longline? Trawler? Toothfish anyone? Add a poaching level and have a little GTA action?
- Polaroids & Pinholes gallery.
- Invader Zim DVD set v.1 Doom Doom Doom, out May 11.
- Anthony Giddens in his Study. Ages 16-35. 128 pieces.
- Trentesix. One, Two.
- Device Artist Ryota Kuwakubo.
- Big images of Maywa Denki stage instruments at the CyberArts 2003 press pics gallery. Ready? 1, 2, 3. (1.5mb each)
- Did you like Celestia? There's more.
- Yanobe Kenji and Issey Miyake.
- Rude Designs barbeques.
- Amorphic Robot Works.
- Akihabara TV at AssemblyLanguage.
- Interference patterns on engine turned aluminum.
- ACA Windart 2003 Gallery
- In translation: "Department first grader manufacture of system control engineering. Collection of 'street performance robot' works. By the lesson of basic engineering introduction, it was manufactured in the 2001 fiscal year using scrap wood." "Street performance robot." I like that. See also, 2002.
- Furthermore, "Theme in the 2002 fiscal year: '2-pair-of-shoes bipedal robot.'" More in the index, yonder.
- "It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue." Map Building with Mobile Robots.
- Diablo by Lawrence Northey.
- Detail from the first mock-up pneumatic hindquarter of the Robot Horse Project.
- PRoP: Personal Roving Presence (1997), Eric Paulos.
- Vintage Panamarenko.
- Kite Art Museum in Detmold. Note the Panamaarenko. Why not Banksy?
- Images for Defying Gravity, North Carolina Museum of Art.
- Tomoko Sawada, detail from ID400.
- Playing games with games: Super Mario Clouds.
- Right on. A pull-cord blender.
- Kuramata remembered, and missed.
- File this one under Design and Flashbacks.
- Wasserkuppe Vintage Glider Museum.
- "Lots of wobbly little arrows." mapsproject.
Friday, Apr 2, 2004 - 6:44 PM -
Okay, it's not funny anymore. I want the tabs back.
If Google's usability downgrade trips your surfing as well (or you just need the old version for some comparison screenshots), then they haven't yet disfigured the Swedish Chef version. Use it while you still can.
Thank Nick. Or go online and beat him up.

Owen Briggs ©2000, 2006