Phew. What a day.

Well at least I'm back at the computer. Full of coffee and shaking, pressing out another word sausage that I hope will make it from the grinder to the shop window. Sometimes they just don't have that firm zeppelin shape and you can't do anything but toss 'em back in the funnel, letting those little sans-serif characters reassemble in some other way.

So why do we tend to organize our kitchens the same?

We all seem to use the same groups. Spices. Sauces. Cans. And we act as if these are the only categories, "obvious" places to put things. But we know lots of other ways to group things, so why don't we use these in the kitchen? Why don't I just as naturally arrange food by ethnicity? Place all my pasta items in the Italy cupboard. All the sushi items in the Japan cupboard. Why don't I spread these out as a map of the world?  [Iceland... hm. I guess a tin of herring jammed in the curtain rod over the sink.]

I'm just thinking about how we organize things.

For example, there's the when we make a new catagory. There's some sort of key point here. We always seem to create a new group at a certain number.

Like in language. Originally us smart monkeys would have made single tones. As the ideas we had became more complex, we grouped tones. Certain groups got used enough to be considered entities: words. A certain number of syllables combine enough meaning to be a word. Okay, fine. Then a certain number of words become a sentence. Sentences become paragraphs. From paragraphs to chapters or essays or papers or soliloquies. From these to books, from books to collections, collections to libraries, libraries to fields.... We don't just make long strings of tones. We seem to reach a certain level of complexity each time and then need to create a macrotype in order to continue. I wonder what that's all about? What evolutionary efficiency is being reflected here?

This site is strictly personal. I give no guarantee to the accuracy of my facts or my fictions.
© 2000 Owen Briggs
last modified on 28 May 2000